Saturday, August 15, 2009

A start of something familiar

can't believe it's almost been year.
brought to this new found freedom here.
been excavatin through the big mess of ... what i want to be.
livin like nomadic bandits, livin wild and livin free.
cycles of new friends and old friends conspire
safekeeping secrets and spreading ill-words like fire.
been through so much with life, still unraveling at the laces
let's face it, wasted are the nights that we, ourselves, made tasted
like vodka, and bud, and that other bud
all worth it because we're still here;
the present, like gifts given to the ones that hold nothing back
time and time again will relapse in the same laughs of the past
fast, slow, steady and wreckless
give it time and i'll finish off my check list.
give me pills cause my words are restless.
never still cause i gotta keep it endless.
got so much to offer to the world, but i feel like i gotta say this.
my life is too delicate, and i hope to god he'll save it.

Friday, August 7, 2009

He says "desire is meaningless..."

Listen to his words. Follow his teachings. For one should give up all other temptations and live life humbly and fortuitously. The surrounding world deems nothing but a dream of twisted lust and lures. The teachings of Buddha always finds itself a student within me. His words speak true of how one should carry on a positive karmiclifestyle. Before you interject with your opinions of this voodoo of a religion, know that his words strike honest and true, even if he is not believed upon or turned to by you. One is taught that every living thing deserves life, peace, and nirvana. I am no messiah. I am no more a savior than he a demon. I simply pass on a commonality between virtuous living and his principles.

Friday, April 18, 2008

On A Whim to Start A Fresh Blog

Unpredictably, today was a failure to my surprise. Lack of productivity and lack of fulfillment leaves a parchedtaste of boredom and dissatisfaction in my mouth and mind. And as an attempt towards appeasement with today's humdrum, I shall try, with my most vainattempt, to amuse myself with music. Oh and not just any music, but the one I create myself through the strokes of these very fingertips on the ivory faded keys. I have no interest to move anywhere else from my piano bench. Eyes closed calmly, breath drawn deeply. It could take me anywhere I want to be.